Eco-educational programm will celebrate very soon the second year. Nearly 10 thousand kids, from 93 kindergarten, help us to collect batteries in Bratislava and Trnava region.
In March 2017, SEWA, in cooperation with the non-profit organisation DAPHNE, launched a successful project “We collect used batteries with Šmudlo” (Zbierame použité batérie so Šmudlom). The aim of the project is to educate pre-school children, through games and experiences, on the correct sorting waste. Through eco-education, children can learn how to correctly sort waste and why old batteries cannot be thrown away in a regular bin or into nature.
Half of the kids involved in the project got the education. From March 2017 until the end of June 2018 we collected together more than 7 tons of batteries and accumulators.